Today-it is last Saturday of sacred Baisakh, indeed a day to mark truth and submission in lotus feet of lord Vishnu, the lord of Bhagwan Shani Dev, Bhagwan Shani Dev celebrate this day in true divine spirit and devotees may join to attain the good from auspicious chapter designated for man that aspirant on the path of truth and life, all the luminous bodies in the sky including planets and star do celebrate this day as that of saints and pious souls, offer oblation in Vedic Yajna, sacrifice done without desire invite infinite favors for self, To reach at the Brahma Tatva-this day is unique to make it, Lord Saturn ever help devotees to mark presence on the truth of the day, Obeisance to lord Vishnu that worshiped by Bhagwan Shani Dev,'
Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu