The one who knows the truth unto self is really a wise traveler in the journey of life, pleasure and pain is bound to manifest and cease with time irrespective of potency it belongs to but the one that knower of the self adjust the self with situation fast to sail safe and Lord help one to regain the truth of realization unto self and the cause of journey, journey that meant to feed the self alone leads one to indifferent state for intermittent bounce of time but journey with truth of service for the cause that to help the fellow beings in true spirit without indulging in extra affairs is path of wisdom for soul and Lord is Giver of, Saturday is the day to mark the truth of soul in the lotus feet of Lord through respective oblations and sacrifice one performed with faith and reverence, and lord accept that all gladly bless the devotees like anything for hidden and manifest cause of both worlds,
Jai Shani Dev