Vedic name of Saturn is Shani dev. Vedic reflection on to Saturn as its basic is slow in pace hence induces slowly in pick up, slow in understanding slow in speed and slow things generate additional tension for those really reach at the destination fast.
Saturn is far apart from the basic source of light the sun hence devoid of light. Light is the basic source of knowledge hence it generate the scarcity of subjective knowledge results in suffering on the subject of life.
As per the version of saints Saturn is sinful for wicked peoples and blissful for pious soul.
As per the Vedic notes toughest job is assigned to Saturn to inflict the punishment of sinful karma to one’s in life hence known in the same pattern of profile but is not a perfact truth.
Saturn got exalted in swati constellation whose lord is Rahu hence Rahu acts like Saturn itself. Association develops feeling for celebration and reflects happiness in one’s life, as basic essence of life remains in its total celebration and exalted Saturn helps a lot to achieve so and reach at.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.