Moon is a planet which itself forms lot of yoga through the placement of planets with respect to its very position. If Saturn is placed in 10th from the moon reflects week occupation with hard labour and least result unless of until Saturn is sighted through some auspicious planet. While Saturn is placed in 3rd, 6th and 11th from moon reflects favorable results for life.
Saturn if cancer and mars in Capricorn reflects uneasy features in life unless or until other auspicious yoga support the situation.. Similar things could also be considered if Saturn placed in 6th along with mars and mercury though 6th is Saturn and mars favorable and the same situation for mercury but association or conjunction the way this change the basic results.
Jupiter in the very house of Venus taken as enemy by Jupiter if sighted through Saturn reflects lot of favor to life including excessive pleasure mode. Hence sight of Saturn also proves to be beneficial at many locations.
Saturn too bears a mode of compassion for his devotees that take shelter in his lotus feet blessed on almost every sphere of life.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.