Today-it is legendary day of sri Ram-Lila, Sri Dusshehra, it is a day to recall the truth of incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the god of Bhagwan Shani Dev, that manifest on the planet in the form of Sri Rama and eradicate demons from the earth to make human life feasible and livable, on this day Sri Rama killed demon king Ravana and gave a simple message that be fair to self and truth in the journey of life on the planet or be prepare to face the wrath of Kaal sooner, journey of life as man is a precious chapter for soul and soul cannot afford to dilute it through deluded chapters of Maya to feed ego and false manhood,
it was Treta agewhen Sri Rama incarnated in the race of kingdom but in all ages existence of Rama can be experience in his name at heart, Better be late than never, better be in refuge of sri Rama than in wrath with,
Jai Shani Dev