They who adore the lotus feet of true saints attain the blessings of Bhagwan Shani Dev, they who serve the cause to uplift the downtrodden attains the immediate attention of Bhagwan Shani Dev for favors, they who maintain the truth of purity both ways make it to reach in refuge of Lord for gains, they who perform suitable charity for the cause help self to glorify truth to align self with, they who performed designated sacred oblations of the day attains lot of favors from the kind honor of Bhagwan Shani Dev, Obeisance to you lord, revere your lotus feet with faith and reverence, may lord bless all-thanks
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Jai Shani Dev,
Jai Shani Dev,
They who adore the lotus feet of true saints attain the blessings of Bhagwan Shani Dev, they who serve the cause to uplift the downtrodden attains the immediate attention of Bhagwan Shani Dev for favors, they who maintain the truth of purity both ways make it to reach in refuge of Lord for gains, they who perform suitable charity for the cause help self to glorify truth to align self with, they who performed designated sacred oblations of the day attains lot of favors from the kind honor of Bhagwan Shani Dev, Obeisance to you lord, revere your lotus feet with faith and reverence, may lord bless all-thanks
They who adore the lotus feet of true saints attain the blessings of Bhagwan Shani Dev, they who serve the cause to uplift the downtrodden attains the immediate attention of Bhagwan Shani Dev for favors, they who maintain the truth of purity both ways make it to reach in refuge of Lord for gains, they who perform suitable charity for the cause help self to glorify truth to align self with, they who performed designated sacred oblations of the day attains lot of favors from the kind honor of Bhagwan Shani Dev, Obeisance to you lord, revere your lotus feet with faith and reverence, may lord bless all-thanks