It is Saturday, a day to recall the truth of realization and lord Saturn helps one to realize the truth of journey and self,
Except for man, hardship of journey follows the beings with high pitch truth, Though man is not spare with yet placed much better than others,
Man can realize the truth of life from the entity and sufferings of fellow beings in varying species, and their limitation to act and react, they hardly have charm in their journey and light of conscious is very limited to them to realize the bare fact they belongs to,
In the life of man too, one cheats the other on the pitch of greed and lust, grief stricken man may retrace self unto truth one belongs to and realization may helps one unto subject,
Welfare of self is supreme on the pitch of truth than the welfare of entity on the truth of felicities and fame, renunciation is an eternal subject man can track in journey to felicitate self and realization at its optimize pitch helps one to enter in the flux of that renunciation,
Refuge in the lotus feet of lord Saturn helps one to mkae it,
May Lord Bless all,
Thanks please