शिवोहम शिवोहम केवलं
शिवोहम शिवोहम केवलं
शिवोहम शिवोहम केवलं
जय जय शनि देव
God alone is Supreme in the Universe, Man can realize this truth at heart and Bhagwan Shani Dev may help one to reach at
ॐ कात्यायनि महामाये नमो नम
ॐ देवकीनन्दनाय विद्महे वासुदेवाय धीमहि तन्नो कृष्ण प्रचोदयात ॐ हिमकुन्दमृणालाभं दैत्यानां परमं गुरुम् - सर्वशास्त्रप्रवक्तारं भार्गवं प्रणमाम्यहम
have faith in God and his almighty power to cross over the tough terrain of Saturn
भगति के नो अंग जो सीधे भगवान् शनि देव को प्रभावित करते है
संतो का संग
सत्य कथा प्रसंग से प्रेम
गुरु के चरणों की सेवा
कपट रहित प्रभु गुण गान
मंत्र जाप विशवास से
सत्य कर्म को रूप देना
जगत को प्रभुमय देखना
जथा लाभ संतोष व् दुसरे के अवगुण पर ध्यान नहीं देना
सभी से छल रहित व्यवहार व् प्रभु से असीम प्रेम
नो में से एक भी यदि कोई सच्चाई से करे तो कल्याण निश्चित है
if body and mind are offered in the service of the merciful lord Saturn-their purpose is well fulfilled, they meet the fate of ultimate truth that is non other than emancipation
Saturn graduate the mind to perceive the word-within the word is divine wealth-whosoever takes it with discrimination, knows not defeat and never come back for mundane existence
the body rest in the world and the self ascends to God is bare fact of life and Saturn is the light that enlighten this truth in heart to pave the favorable path for
one need not to boast of power youth and wealth; the all devouring time takes all these away in a trice-heaving renounce these all mirages and realize Brahma and try best to get merge in while alive
one need to know the truth that this life is most evanescent and unsteady like the water on the lotus leaf and mostly afflicted with
delusive modes and tenure of lord Saturn makes one wake up to get realize
Saturn helps the aspirant to reach at the divine destination with all grace
one need not to be attached beyond a limit to a friend, foe, relative or close one or to peace or else-it needs to be even minded in everything to reach at the true pitch to attain true self and lord helps on the subject
Great is the fortune for them who capitalize the tenure of Saturn in true spirit to make the other world favorable all the way
The same all forbearing supreme spirit resides in one and all and one needs to realize before getting impatient and angry unto fellow beings and this message given in tenure of Saturn to all
One need to set self with earnestness to life through available means-control the mind to the tune of content-and graduate the mind to discrimination of real and unreal and tenure of lord Saturn makes one to reach at gracefully
one need to know the truth of life with respect to material world that wealth beyond a limit is root cause of all evil-in truth there is not least trace of happiness in it-to the worldly rich there is fear from all corners but to a divine reach it is a true state of fearlessness
कठिन काल में शनि बहुत प्रकार से सभी की मदद करते है विशेष तोर पर दीन हीन व्यक्ति की बहुत मदद करते है शनि देव-अवश्य ही शनि काल कठिन होता है और यह जीवन की परीक्षा का समय होता है और जीव को विचलित नहीं होना चाहिए क्यों की वहा उनके साथ भगवान् शनि देव होते है और वह भगवान् है अवश्य ही भगवान् करुनामय है दयालु है दीनपर्वर है
शनि को मनाओ सदा सुख पाओ
one need to give up desire of worldly joy and be aspirant for eternal joy-be discriminative and cultivate dispassion in true spirit in mind-be contented with truth in earnest manner to reach at the ultimate truth
भगवान् कृष्ण की महिमा अपार है शनिदेव ने बहुत प्रकार से भगवान् कृष्ण की उपासना कर प्रभु की वेशेष कृपा पाई कृष्ण भक्तो का सदा है मान किया- भगवान् शनि की महिमा अपरम्पार है
one needs to know the truth of true happiness of life and lord helps in his tenure all well
भगवान् शनि देव की जय
रवि सूत जय छाया के नंदन
महाबली तुम असुर निकंदन
विमल मंद रोद्र शनि नामा
करो भगत के पूरण कामा
जो जन तुमको ध्यान लगावे - मन वांछित फल आतुर पावे
जा पर कृपा अप्प की होई - जो फल चाहे मिलिये सोई
साचे देव आपही स्वामी - घट घट वासी अंतर्यामी
दसा आप की सब पर आवे - फल शुभ अशुभ हॉल दिखलावे
तीनो लोक तुम्हे सर न्यावे - ब्रह्मा विष्णु महेश मनावे
दयाल होत है करहु निहाला - टेडी द्रिस्ती है कठिन कराला
जय जय जय शनि देव दयालु _ कृपा दास पर करहू कृपालु
जयति जयति रवि तनय
प्रभु सकल हरहु भ्रम शूल
जन की रक्षा कीजिये
सदा रहो अनुकूल
भगवान् शनि देव की जय
ॐ नमो भगवते शनिस्चराय य सूर्य पुत्राए नम
i adore the lotus feet of lord Saturn who is good teacher for indifferent peoples on the board of life and great divine light for the saints and pious one
Eight thousand and four thousand species of living being, classified under four broad divisions inhabit land, water and air are all influence by lord Saturn in direct and indirect mode. Transit pace paved unto birth zodiac reflects the most directly-vimsottary period have its different pitch than that of transit.
andaj{ oviparous}pindaj{viviparous} svedaja[born of sweat-on condition}udbhinjj{sprouting from soil} are the form for soul to manifest on the cord of life and Saturn influence them all.
The planet medicine water air and cloths proves good or bad in the world with the sight of Saturn-favorable sight makes them good and indifferent sight tern the indifferent for individual.
lord Shiva helps a lot in the tough terrain of saturn-those take refuge in the lotus feet of lord Shiva make it to pass the hard track of Saturn tenure-shiv lingam archan pujan paves the path of liberation from distres
I bow down to lord sri sri Shani Dev, the destroyer of the afflictions of the afflicted, of the fear of the frightened and death to the enemies.
I worship lord sri sri Shani Dev of dark blue hue, Bestower of wishes to devotees.
I bow down again and again to Lord sri sri Shani Dev, remover of calamities, grantor of all prosperity, delight of the world.
I worship Lord sri sri Shani Dev mine of mercy-savior of truthful and pious one-giver of Nirvana.
I bow down again and again to Lord sri sri Shani Dev, foremost among great donors to true and pious one and true guardian of saintly souls in all respect.
Obeisances to the lotus feet of lord Sri Sri Shani Dev.
may lord bless all
भगवान् शनि देव की जय
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
let their be peace, peace and only peace.
सत्यमेव जयते - truth triumphs
भारतीय संस्कृति में पीपल देववृक्ष है
ग्रंथों में पीपल को प्रत्यक्ष देवता की संज्ञा दी गई है
पीपल भगवान विष्णु का जीवन्त स्वरूप है
वृहस्पतिकी प्रतिकूलता से उत्पन्न होने वाले अशुभ फल में पीपल समिधा से हवन करने पर शांति मिलती है
नित्य पूजा करने से अक्षय लक्ष्मी मिलती हैं
पीपल वृक्ष की नित्य परिक्रमा करने और जल चढाने पर दरिद्रता, दु:ख और दुर्भाग्य का विनाश होता है पीपल के दर्शन-पूजन से दीर्घायु तथा समृद्धि प्राप्त होती है
शनिवार की अमावस्या को पीपल वृक्ष के पूजन और परिक्रमा करने से तथा काले तिल से युक्त सरसो तेल के दीपक को जलाकर छायादानसे शनि की पीडा का शमन होता है
अनुराधा नक्षत्र से युक्त शनिवार की अमावस्या में पीपल वृक्ष के पूजन से शनि से मुक्ति प्राप्त होती है
श्रावण मास में अमावस्या पर पीपल वृक्ष के नीचे पूजा करने से बडे संकट से मुक्ति मिल जाती है
काली गाये की सेवा
चीटी को आटा व मीठा
काले तिल दान कला वस्त्र कम्बल दान काली छत्री का दान
शनि उपासना - अर्चना -वंदना- ध्यान संध्या काल में
शिव व काली उपासना
नित्य पीपल सेवा
छाया दान -सत्य शरणागति
शनि वार कृष्ण उपासना
सप्त ऋषि ध्यान व मनन
शिवसहस्त्रनाम व त्रयुम्बक मंत्र जाप
शनिवार की अमावस्या को पीपल वृक्ष के पूजन और परिक्रमा करने से तथा काले तिल से युक्त सरसोतेल के दीपक को जलाकर छायादानसे शनि की पीडा का शमन होता है
सूर्य पुत्रो दीर्घ देहो विशालाक्ष शिवप्रिय
मन्दचार प्रसन्नात्मा पीडां हरतु मे शनि
गुरु पूजा से शनि कष्ट दूर होते है
शिव पूजन शनि कष्ट निवारण हेतु स्वयं सिद्ध है
महा मृतुन्जय जाप परम लाभ करी है
शनि प्रभावित वास्तु -
शिल्प कला
श्री श्री भगवान् शनि देव की जय
O wonderful lord sun, from the glories of kashyap shines like the japa flower and bestower of enlighten the inner as well outer world, cause of the day and life on the planet, dispeller of dark all the way, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.
O wonderful lord moon, shining with glory of being matchless white symbol of purity and beauty even more than that glorified from the blessings of lord shiva who choose you as precious ornament for his forehead, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.
O wonderful lord mars, glorious son of the planet earth brilliant through the unmatched pace ever shining as youth store house of ultimate power, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.
O wonderful lord mercury, known for being unmatched beauty with light complex, most intelligent, fruitful, smiling and benefic all the way, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.
O wonderful lord Jupiter, known for being true preceptor for gods and pious soul, store house of wisdom in all the three spheres of universe for truth, make my obeisance to your lotus feet
O wonderful lord Venus, known for being the spiritual preceptor of all demons and those who are on indifferent mode, master of all mystic skill & unmatched snow whitest in appearance from the race of bhargav house, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.
O wonderful lord Saturn, known for being the son of great legend for life the sun, born to the mother Sri Sri Chaaya {shadow}, elder brother of yama [god of death] keeps the pace at low but fine penetration and a bit dark in complex but fine to bring the life to true self, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.
O wonderful lord Rahu, being known for head and unmatched bravery, strength & power to rule the wisdom on wish, main cause for the eclipse of the sun and the moon, born to mother sri sri Simhika, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.
O wonderful lord Ketu, being form as the other part of Rahu, fierce and terrifying also known to be the head of all stars in the sky but great all the way to indicate emancipation, make my obeisance to your lotus feet.
OM NAMO SHIVAYE_shivaya namo nama
saturn and its blessings
Saturn inflicts maximum in its transit mode to any sign but varies from person to person.
Saturn proves to be very helpful to those true to their life on fair mode.
Saturn helps those who believe in charity.
Saturn helps those who respect the religious merits.
Saturn helps those who respect the elders and care them in true pace all the way.
Saturn blesses those who respect the nature and care it at its most in true mode.
Saturn blesses those who really wish to attain the true wisdom of life as human.
भगवान् शनि देव की जय
ॐ ह्रौं जूं सः भूर्भुवः स्वः त्र्यम्बकम् यजामहे सुगन्धिम् पुष्टिवर्धनम् । उर्वारूकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मा मृतात् भूर्भुवः स्वरों जूं सः ह्रौं
Om Sri Sri Ganeshaya nama_
Ganaadipatiye nama_
Gauri sutaya nama_
For devotees of Lord Saturn sages have elaborated the story of an ancient time in the past ages ago that there had been nine light planets in the sky right from the origin of sky which influenced the earth and its life at their peak but question was raised among all who is the most effective and powerful in nature.
No one was competent enough to solve this quiz and the question was raised for justice in the kingdom of then king Vikramaditya. He was known for his truth ness on the cord of justice.
King Vikramaditya tried to make an escape diplomatically but could not make it to do so, then He used his intellect to make further escape from this tedious question of time and era thereby his version indicates that the planet influence on the metal and the value of metal will derive the stage as been asked here in question. This way gold is more expensive and iron is least, agonize the lord Saturn and lord said that my existence is not known to you king vikramaditya; it is only the time speaks the version of my impact on the life on planet.
Value is based on the scarcity and utility there on, where as I remain all along with life and nature at its most. Food grains are cheap in value as compared to other articles but they are the must to survive that does not mean that they are less important by any way.
Sun transit took hardly one month to influence one, moon just two and quarter day only, mercury and Venus took 1 month to cross over a sign, mars took 45 days,Jupiter 13months maximum, Rahu and Ketu 18 months but I took 30 months for transit to a specific sign. Even gods in the sky are never left apart by the track I adore for justice.
O vikramaditya you wait for your turn and time will reflect about my version on the subject of life that how important and powerful are my ways to direct the life. {Life can be blessed as any thing from the honor of Lord Saturn and can be stripped down from the bare minimum if Saturn is afflicted in zodiac.}
Lord Saturn is a justice on the cord of law of karma.
Every one reaps what one sows in the past on the cord of karma, Saturn is the cause alone
Lord Vikramaditya seeks apology with all humble mode but.
Though king was true to his deeds in life but law of karma is totally indifferent and ways of prowess is beyond perception.
It comes the transit mode of Saturn on the zodiac sign of king vikramaditya. Delusive mode of ignorance cheats king and drags him from his kingdom.
King hides his identity and poses differently in that area where one merchant obliges him with feast at his home.
King visualizes a miracle there when alone, golden chain of merchant disappears itself where it was hanged on. The family of that merchant assumes king to be thief and presented in the court of king of that state for justice-no one listens to the version of vikramaditya and punishes him to detach legs and hands in view of the justice of that land.
It was more then miserable for king vikramaditya to bear such allegation and face the punishment for the crime he never committed.
An oil merchant took him along with in disabled state and kept to deal with impeller to extract the oil from seeds. Vikramaditya who was king of a great state is now being on the track of suffering all the way where health wealth and respect have been invaded by the time on the cord of transit of Lord Saturn.
Then it comes the end of that dark night and vikramaditya was singing a melody on the eve of rains. Princess of the state got passionate from that melody and made up her mind to marry the singer all the way. It was told to king, when singer was traced the story turned strange but princess was in no mood to let her wish. that compelled the king to marry his daughter with vikramaditya, a handicapped servant of oil merchant.
On the very first night what happened vikramaditya saw that the golden chain manifested in the same way it disappeared earlier-he spoke out all and about his kingdom, name and fame to princess, princess was so happy to know all that and sank down deep in dream of joy then lord Saturn manifested in front of king vikramaditya and asked all about the version of his transit, indications and power on the cord of life.
Vikramaditya very humbly prayed in the lotus feet of Lord Saturn and sought an apology from merciful lord Saturn.
Lord Saturn blesses him in many multiple with what he lost in the transit of Lord Saturn to his zodiac sign. Vikramaditya felt a great miracle that his body and limbs turned to be perfect in all respect with power even more than ever before by the grace of Lord Saturn. His eyes shed tears in love in the lotus feet of Lord Saturn.
With all humble mode vikramaditya bowed down his hand with the request in the lotus feet of lord that_
O my dear lord please, be helpful to all your devotees all the way, in your transit and otherwise too.
O my dear lord please, bless one and all those who realize your all merciful and great nature
O my dear lord please, please blesses me a boon that as I have been subjected none of your devotee should ever be subjected as such.
Lord Saturn blessed the king vikramaditya as per his wish for the welfare of one and all.
Vikramaditya attained all his lost glory by the grace of Lord Saturn and recalled it that lord Saturn is almighty God and compassionate all the way. Mercy of lord is infinite to bless the devotees on the cord of wishes. Vikramaditya reached his kingdom back with all glorious modes and celebrated the divine chapter related to Lord Saturn.
Those adore the lotus feet of lord never get trapped in the delusive mode of ignorance in any period of life.
O mind what for you wait, please adore the lotus feet of Lord to reach at the true self for ultimate glory of being human.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.
प्रभु ये सारे व्याप्त पिंड जो गगन में भ्रमण करते है इन से शांति प्राप्त हो
प्रभु अन्तरिक्ष हमें शांति प्रदान करे
प्रभु पृथ्वी पर हम शांति पाए
प्रभु जल हमें शांति प्रदान करे
प्रभु ओषधियाँ हमें शांति प्रदान करे
प्रभु वनस्पति हमें शांति प्रदान करे
प्रभु सभी देव गण अपनी कृपा हम पर बनाये और शांति प्रदान करे
प्रभु अखिल विश्व में व्याप्त ब्रह्मा हमें शांति प्रदान करे
प्रभु यह सब शांति के प्रदाता बने प्रभु शांति प्राप्त हो
प्रभु सभी जीव शांति प्राप्त करे
प्रभु सभी भौतिक दुख से छूट जाएं सब प्राणिमात्र सुख को पाएं
प्रभु देहिक व् देविक दुख छुट जाये व् परम शांति प्राप्त हो
प्रभु सब ओर भीतरी सुख देने वाली शांति हो
प्रभु शांति शांति शांति
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः।सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु।मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥