Lord Saturn compel one for hard labour in life which leads one to the truth of righteousness and realization,
Poverty represents sorrow at its most but Saturn is a help for poor to rescue self from poverty and sorrow,
Service and relationship are prime subject for man in the journey of life and Saturn rules whip both ways,
Selfishness and attachments distant the self from truth and reality of journey with cause and effect and Lord Saturn help one to reach at the glory of being human,
Disease and age both makes man helpless and Saturn helps one to recover and regain the vitality to sustain self midst of last span,
Saturday is the day to recall the glory of lord Saturn, indeed a day to revere the lotus feet of lord that to attain blessings from which truly matters the man in journey here and here after too,
Obeisance to Lord Saturn, the true guardian of saints and devotees,
May lord bless all,
Thanks Please