Today, it is very special day or very special Saturday being the day of Sri sri Mokshda Ekadasi or Sri Gita Jayanti,
Indeed a day to recall the truth of Lord Krishna, the giver of light in the form of sri Gita-the comprehensive chapter of knowledge for man to sail safe,
Attainment of Knowledge and the attainment of Liberation are not distant to each other, few behold the self within themselves by meditation through purity of heart, few through chapter of knowledge unto self and the supreme reality, few make it to reach at through define stream of karma,
The perfect knowledge in the form of self realization is truth of action and knowledge combine,
True knowledge makes man to realize the truth at its optimise perspective, and Lord Krishna has given this wisdom to man in the form of sri Gita to reach at,
Sri Gita Jayanti is the day recall this truth for self, and Lord Saturn help devotees to make fair approach unto subject that most viable for man,
Obeisance to Lord Krishna-the giver of sri Gita ji,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please