Every being in this world without exception seeks happiness, yet true nature of happiness cannot be derive from a define truth one belongs to on cord of life and orbit one placed in,
It is skill that to perceive the truth at its optimise pitch with prevailing condition may help one to untie the knots to reach at the cause,
Happiness is not limited to objects of liking but the truth of perceptible acceptable tune mind relates to which may accept the same scenario at one moment and reject it at other moment for same individual,
To reach at the truth of happiness one belongs to and the source, one needs to realign self that to take safe shelter that works,
In refuge of Lord Saturn, man attains the truth of happiness within self and from the objects in conjunction with,
Lord Saturn is truth of Dharma Knowledge and renunciation combine,
Lord Saturn award relief to the burning soul in the fire of ignorance.
Lord Saturn though represents the dark yet enlighten the truth within self to visualise the object of life in right perspective,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks Please