Monday, January 23, 2012
Atman caitanya Gyan
Atman caitanya Gyan is must for human; knowledge unto wakeful state of spirit is prime subject of being human.
Three states of spirit in the smoke of Maya make one suffer beyond measure till it reaches at its true state and knowledge unto subject is must for it.
Hurdles created by delusive potency of Maya never let any one rise above the limitation of self.
Atman alone is real and all other accessories that look lucrative to sustain are transitory, atman bear the body that consist of five basics is bound to leave it sooner of later is truth of time.
All material composition is sole subject of Maya where as atman is eternal, for the time being atman can be blended with material but it never last long and results in as death, again and over it happens but with same result.
All means of life are apparent but spirit, spirit is above the limitation of Maya and its transitory world.
Vision is one thing but visualization is other, vision is the subject of Maya but visualization is subject of spirit, Saturn gives visualization and skill of meditation that sharpen the pace to spirit to enter in regions beyond the reach of Maya.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please
Three states of spirit in the smoke of Maya make one suffer beyond measure till it reaches at its true state and knowledge unto subject is must for it.
Hurdles created by delusive potency of Maya never let any one rise above the limitation of self.
Atman alone is real and all other accessories that look lucrative to sustain are transitory, atman bear the body that consist of five basics is bound to leave it sooner of later is truth of time.
All material composition is sole subject of Maya where as atman is eternal, for the time being atman can be blended with material but it never last long and results in as death, again and over it happens but with same result.
All means of life are apparent but spirit, spirit is above the limitation of Maya and its transitory world.
Vision is one thing but visualization is other, vision is the subject of Maya but visualization is subject of spirit, Saturn gives visualization and skill of meditation that sharpen the pace to spirit to enter in regions beyond the reach of Maya.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please