Saturday, April 17, 2010
Retrograde planets restrict their auspicious effects unto life and nature while on this mode. Every planet has its own track and time schedule for this mode. In nine main planets in the sky sun and moon never part with this mode at any junction of their transit and Rahu and Ketu always moves in retrograde mode never goes direct.
Mars mercury Jupiter Venus and Saturn adore retrograde mode for indifferent effects, out of them change over is one of the main for life. In secondary line health hazard follows the life all along. Failure and frustration trap one in this tenure with tight grip.
Tenure of retrograde varies with the planet and zodiac sign they transit.
Saturn is on retrograde mode now in transit through Virgo till mid may. Saturn mostly takes 19 weeks in a year in this mode either intermittently or else.
In this span every concern planet reduces the pace of life and tends to degenerate varying aspects of fortune but divine one. Retrograde time remains very auspicious to wash away the blemishes of heart and mind. To remove the sin, it is a very effective span in life. Chanting the name-penance and austerity could be earned in high pace in this tenure.
Saturn in specific on this cord tries to make life humble and ego free and encourage one on to spirituality. Saturn encourages one to adore with ones duty in true spirit.
To counter the malefic affects of retrograde mode it needs_
Realization on the subject
Disinterested service to mankind and nature {best is religious places}
Charity perform in any form brings good for life even in this period too.
Spiritual discourse and yoga helps in lot.
Care and conscious mode is advisable in this tenure
Wait and watch is best
Though unrest become the essence of life in this tenure still cool and peace must not be left with
Faith in self and supreme is tangible support in this tenure
Shelter in lotus feet of saints makes this span glorious all the way
One planet alone comprehensively can not decide the fate of life alone-what ever it goes fragrance of all planets and deeds unto karma plays vital role.
O mind easiest way, is to take shelter in the lotus feet of lord alone to make an escape from every afflicted deal of life.
I make my obeisances in the lotus feet of lord.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please
Mars mercury Jupiter Venus and Saturn adore retrograde mode for indifferent effects, out of them change over is one of the main for life. In secondary line health hazard follows the life all along. Failure and frustration trap one in this tenure with tight grip.
Tenure of retrograde varies with the planet and zodiac sign they transit.
Saturn is on retrograde mode now in transit through Virgo till mid may. Saturn mostly takes 19 weeks in a year in this mode either intermittently or else.
In this span every concern planet reduces the pace of life and tends to degenerate varying aspects of fortune but divine one. Retrograde time remains very auspicious to wash away the blemishes of heart and mind. To remove the sin, it is a very effective span in life. Chanting the name-penance and austerity could be earned in high pace in this tenure.
Saturn in specific on this cord tries to make life humble and ego free and encourage one on to spirituality. Saturn encourages one to adore with ones duty in true spirit.
To counter the malefic affects of retrograde mode it needs_
Realization on the subject
Disinterested service to mankind and nature {best is religious places}
Charity perform in any form brings good for life even in this period too.
Spiritual discourse and yoga helps in lot.
Care and conscious mode is advisable in this tenure
Wait and watch is best
Though unrest become the essence of life in this tenure still cool and peace must not be left with
Faith in self and supreme is tangible support in this tenure
Shelter in lotus feet of saints makes this span glorious all the way
One planet alone comprehensively can not decide the fate of life alone-what ever it goes fragrance of all planets and deeds unto karma plays vital role.
O mind easiest way, is to take shelter in the lotus feet of lord alone to make an escape from every afflicted deal of life.
I make my obeisances in the lotus feet of lord.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please