Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sound current
Soul is indicated by the giant planet sun and his son named as Saturn rules it on the subject of life on the planet. It is a bare fact to believe that soul is cause of animate and inanimate here on the planet and Saturn indicates the version for it the way it goes here on and here after.
The soul is compared as an immortal vine which grows with living water of spirituality to make it liberate for final beatitude and Saturn helps on the subject.
Sound current that vibrates the inner core differ in all but to get it to its true pitch Saturn is the sole indicator in life.
Saturn appears tough because it drags the life from material to the truth of spirituality which hampers the mode of worldly celebration soul wish to have so but Saturn wishes ultimate good for all in the interest of one and all.
Grace of true master could only be made available in life with all ease in the tenure of Saturn.
To overcome the negative powers which looks lucrative but keeps poison their in to drag one to the ocean of fear and sufferings but Saturn enlighten the heart to remove all kind of fear and attain union with glory of being human.
It is tenure in which one rises above the limitations of mortal to immortal mode of subject. There is no other way to dispel the dark of ignorance then to enlighten the truth of self which is indicated by Lord Saturn. Saturn shot the arrows purify the inner core, aiming carefully at the right spots then it remain true self alone and god for fair interaction in between on the cord of heart and mind.
I make my humble obeisances in the lotus feet of lord.
May lord bless all
Thanks please.
The soul is compared as an immortal vine which grows with living water of spirituality to make it liberate for final beatitude and Saturn helps on the subject.
Sound current that vibrates the inner core differ in all but to get it to its true pitch Saturn is the sole indicator in life.
Saturn appears tough because it drags the life from material to the truth of spirituality which hampers the mode of worldly celebration soul wish to have so but Saturn wishes ultimate good for all in the interest of one and all.
Grace of true master could only be made available in life with all ease in the tenure of Saturn.
To overcome the negative powers which looks lucrative but keeps poison their in to drag one to the ocean of fear and sufferings but Saturn enlighten the heart to remove all kind of fear and attain union with glory of being human.
It is tenure in which one rises above the limitations of mortal to immortal mode of subject. There is no other way to dispel the dark of ignorance then to enlighten the truth of self which is indicated by Lord Saturn. Saturn shot the arrows purify the inner core, aiming carefully at the right spots then it remain true self alone and god for fair interaction in between on the cord of heart and mind.
I make my humble obeisances in the lotus feet of lord.
May lord bless all
Thanks please.