Name alone efficacious essential truth of all the three world and its repetition with heart and soul could make escape from all kind of miseries of life.
It is the name of lord Shani dev which act as a boat in ocean of miseries to cross over the hard time with all ease especially in the period of Saturn transit and associated modes.
Lord Saturn though known for tough modes of life but bless all those who respect the pious soul on the subject of life. It is knowledge and contemplation which make one aware about the compassion mode of Lord Saturn.
Vedas and other holy scriptures has reflected with loud its name alone is serving charity, virtue, penance and pilgrimage to attain the true blessings from all merciful lord Saturn.
All other means are secondary primary is the name with truth ness of heart their in to please the mercy full lord to attain the true wisdom of life during his tenure especially.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.