Saturn a planet with slow pace but full impact on to life to make it realize about the god -illusion & the soul.Saturn is an angel. Saturn is a wise care taker of life on this planet.
Saturn a planet with difference from others planets to interact with life, though counted as per astro talk a malefic but in fact is the most benific on the board of life.
in short run it may appears if if inflicting harsh or hardness to life- a undue one- but that is the mode to graduate the life on the bare facts which interact with life off & on.
now running on Leo in its transit period, to a calculation for 30 months,out of which 9 have already been passed, rest to go through on different peoples with different mode as per their zodiac. but its effect over all goes for seven & half years from its start to a sign-in a status of inflict it has been started to Leo 38 months ago, when it was in cancer in its transit mode.that way it still took more 40 months to pass on from Leo.
Leo a sing belongs to the sun hence the peoples born under this sign might face a bit more tough module of Saturn being the prime enemy of sun.
better be on a conscious mode-wait & watch policy-defencive mode -patience-cool temper--helps here in lot rather than offencive om to interact with life, prayer & pilgrimage helps a lot to counter malefic effects if any hold the life for Ransom.
devotional spirit helps a lot all the way to sail smooth from the harsh period of Saturn if so.
may Saturn bless all for the cause of life.
mahesh sharma